Posted on January 10th, 2017 –
Energy systems are under intense pressure to change. Society wants major reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, while retaining the benefits that energy systems provide to our quality of life. Understanding the technologies and policies needed to achieve these objectives can benefit from technology-rich, scenario modelling of energy futures. CESAR has been developing and using the database resources, modelling approaches and visualization tools to explore various energy futures. We are excited about the value of this work to policy and investment decision making.
CESAR researchers have also been involved in training a new generation of scientists and engineers in energy systems analysis and modelling. In the fall of 2016, 50 students registered in Scie529, the capstone course for the energy specialization at the University of Calgary. They worked in interdisciplinary teams to explore 10 different energy futures. Their work culminated in a poster session in downtown Calgary that attracted more than 120 industry, government and environmental NGO representatives. Mark Lowey from EnviroLine, who is a communications advisor to CESAR, was there and wrote about the special event. I asked him to share that report with us in this CESAR blog.
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