International and interprovincial imports
Total energy imports (and associated carbon for the carbon Sankey), including crude oil, refined petroleum products, natural gas, coal and coal products, and electricity. Canada does not import uranium or biomass on a significant scale.
For the provincial Sankey diagrams, imports include inflows from other provinces.
For the “domestic energy system only” version of the Sankeys, the energy (and associated carbon) inputs of each energy resource is equal to imports + production - exports. Therefore, the energy inputs to the domestic only sankey diagram are only sufficient to cover domestic use, and no exported energy is shown. Thus for provinces that require imports or inflows from other provinces to cover their own consumption, the primary energy shown on the Domestic Only Sankey does include imported energy.
For electricity, exports are not included in the Domestic Only Sankey but imports are included in order to maintain balance with domestic consumption.
Crude oil imports
Energy (or carbon) for both crude oil and refined petroleum products (RPPs) imports; the crude oil imports are shown here in a darker shade of red than the RPP’s.
The largest imports of crude oil are in eastern Canada, to the large refineries in New Brunswick, Quebec and Ontario and smaller refineries in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia.
For western Canadian refineries, the crude supply is mostly domestic, but there are crude imports to Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia. Manitoba and Prince Edward Island have no refinery capacity and do not import crude, although Manitoba does produce some crude.
For the provincial Sankeys, crude oil imports include inflows from other provinces, and these interprovincial flows of crude oil result in the sum of the crude imports for each province being greater than the net national import of crude oil shown on the Canadian Sankey.
For the “domestic energy system only” versions of the provincial Sankeys, the primary supply of crude oil and RPP’s is set to equal the province’s domestic consumption.
Imports of refined petroleum products
Energy (or carbon) for both crude oil and refined petroleum products (RPPs) imports; the crude oil imports are shown here in a darker shade of red than the RPP’s.
The largest imports of crude oil are in eastern Canada, to the large refineries in New Brunswick, Quebec and Ontario and smaller refineries in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia.
For western Canadian refineries, the crude supply is mostly domestic, but there are crude imports to Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia. Manitoba and Prince Edward Island have no refinery capacity and do not import crude, although Manitoba does produce some crude.
For the provincial Sankeys, crude oil imports include inflows from other provinces, and these interprovincial flows of crude oil result in the sum of the crude imports for each province being greater than the net national import of crude oil shown on the Canadian Sankey.
For the “domestic energy system only” versions of the provincial Sankeys, the primary supply of crude oil and RPP’s is set to equal the province’s domestic consumption.
Natural gas imports
While Canada is a net exporter of natural gas, the internationally integrated pipeline network supports gas trade with the U.S., particularly west of New Brunswick. New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba rely on imports and inflows from other provinces for their gas supply. There is no natural gas supply on Prince Edward Island.
For the provincial Sankeys, natural gas imports include inflows from other provinces, and these interprovincial flows result in the sum of the gas imports for the provinces being greater than the national import of gas shown on the Canadian Sankey.
For the “domestic energy system only” versions of the provincial Sankeys, the primary supply of natural gas is set equal the province’s domestic consumption.
Coal imports
Canada is a net exporter of coal. In western Canada, imports are smaller than exports. Manitoba and provinces east of Manitoba are completely dependent on imports and inflows from western Canada for their coal supplies, with the exception of Nova Scotia which does have some coal production.
For the provincial Sankeys, coal imports include inflows from other provinces, and these interprovincial flows result in the sum of the coal imports for the provinces being greater than the national import of coal shown on the Canadian Sankey.
For the “domestic energy system only” versions of the provincial Sankeys, the primary supply of coal is set equal to the province’s domestic consumption.
Electricity imports
Imports of electricity to Canada are generally associated with short term trades and power wheeling arrangements with neighbouring U.S. utilities. Canada is a net exporter of electricity, reflecting the long term power supply contracts that some Canadian utilities have with American customers.
For the provincial Sankeys, electricity imports include inflows from other provinces, and these interprovincial flows result in the sum of electricity imports for the provinces being greater than the total electricity imports shown on the national Sankey.
The province with the largest electricity import is Quebec, and this reflects its longstanding contract to purchase the output of the Churchill Falls hydroelectric station in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Prince Edward Island has limited domestic electricity generation and imports most of its electricity via a submarine cable connected to the New Brunswick power grid.
Alberta imports electricity from the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (Montana and B.C.) and also via an intertie with Saskatchewan.
The “domestic energy system only” version of the provincial Sankeys includes electricity imports in order to maintain a balance with domestic consumption.
The primary heat energy generated by uranium depends on the reactor technology being used, and is much higher in reactors that use enriched uranium than in the CANDU natural uranium reactors used in Canada. The typical heat rate for uranium in a CANDU is 7700 MW-days(thermal)/tonne U, which converts to 0.665 PJ/tonne U, and this is the the conversion factor used in this Sankey diagram for estimating the primary energy content of uranium.
All uranium production in Canada takes place in Saskatchewan, which is a major supplier to the world market for uranium.
The primary heat energy generated by uranium depends on the reactor technology being used, and is much higher in reactors that use enriched uranium than in the CANDU natural uranium reactors used in Canada. The typical heat rate for uranium in a CANDU is 7700 MW-days(thermal)/tonne U, which converts to 0.665 PJ/tonne U, and this is the the conversion factor used in this Sankey diagram for estimating the primary energy content of uranium.
All uranium production in Canada takes place in Saskatchewan, which is a major supplier to the world market for uranium.
Nuclear fuel
The primary heat energy generated by uranium depends on the reactor technology being used, and is much higher in reactors that use enriched uranium than in the CANDU natural uranium reactors used in Canada. The typical heat rate for uranium in a CANDU is 7700 MW-days(thermal)/tonne U, which converts to 0.665 PJ/tonne U, and this is the the conversion factor used in this Sankey diagram for estimating the primary energy content of uranium.
All uranium production in Canada takes place in Saskatchewan, which is a major supplier to the world market for uranium.
Uranium exports
The primary heat energy generated by uranium depends on the reactor technology being used, and is much higher in reactors that use enriched uranium than in the CANDU natural uranium reactors used in Canada. The typical heat rate for uranium in a CANDU is 7700 MW-days(thermal)/tonne U, which converts to 0.665 PJ/tonne U, and this is the the conversion factor used in this Sankey diagram for estimating the primary energy content of uranium.
All uranium production in Canada takes place in Saskatchewan, which is a major supplier to the world market for uranium.
Nuclear fuel for electricity generation
Thermal energy content of the nuclear fuel used in Canadian power reactors. It is the average amount of heat the uranium will generated over its lifetime in a CANDU reactor and is calculated assuming a conversion efficiency of 29% (heat to electricity).
By 2013, the only two provinces with operating nuclear power reactors were Ontario and New Brunswick; the one operating reactor in Quebec produced its final power in 2011 and has been permanently shut down.
Energy consumption of uranium industry
Combined losses and fuel and electricity consumption of the uranium mining and refining industry, equal to the industry’s fuel and electricity consumption.
For the carbon Sankey, the carbon dioxide emissions associated with the fossil fuel consumption are shown as Mt elemental carbon within CO2 per year.
Crude Oil
The energy content (or carbon content for the carbon Sankey) associated with the production of all grades of crude oil and bitumen. Primary production of natural gas liquids is also included here.
Provinces with the largest production include Alberta, Newfoundland, and Saskatchewan; relatively small amounts of primary oil are produced in Manitoba, Ontario and New Brunswick.
In the “domestic energy system only” Sankeys, primary crude oil is reduced by an amount equal to total exports of crude and refined petroleum products, so that total energy supply balances domestic consumption. This is the total domestic crude oil consumption and so for most provinces implicitly includes imports and/or inflows from other provinces.
Crude Oil
The energy or carbon content associated with the production of all grades of crude oil and bitumen. Primary production of natural gas liquids is also included here.
Provinces with the largest production include Alberta, Newfoundland, and Saskatchewan; relatively small amounts of primary oil are produced in Manitoba, Ontario and New Brunswick.
In the “domestic energy system only” Sankeys, primary crude oil is reduced by an amount equal to total exports of crude and refined petroleum products, so that total energy supply balances domestic consumption. This is the total domestic crude oil consumption and so for most provinces implicitly includes imports and/or inflows from other provinces.
Total petroleum
The energy or carbon content of domestically produced and imported petroleum, plus all the energy or carbon inputs to the extraction, upgrading, refining and transport by pipeline of all the products of the petroleum industry, including bitumen, crude oil, synthetic oil and refined petroleum products. It includes the energy (and associated carbon) content of crude oil produced and of refined petroleum products imported and from other provinces, as well as the energy (and associated carbon) content of the natural gas and grid electricity consumed by the industry, including by oil refineries and pipelines. The energy (and associated carbon) content of primary natural gas liquids is also included here.
In the “domestic energy system only” Sankeys, the total energy (and associated carbon) content of crude and RPP exports is subtracted from the total crude input to this node, so that supply balances domestic consumption.
Exports of crude and bitumen
The energy and carbon content of Crude oil exports, including bitumen.
For the provincial Sankeys, exports include outflows to other provinces, and these interprovincial flows result in the sum of the crude exports being greater than the national export of crude shown on the Canadian Sankey.
Exports of petroleum products
The energy or carbon content of Refined petroleum (RPP) product exports (e.g. gasoline, diesel, fuel oil).
For the provincial Sankeys, exports include outflows to other provinces, and these interprovincial flows result in the sum of the RPP exports from the provinces being greater than the national export of RPPs shown on the Canadian Sankey.
Domestic use of refined petroleum (oil) products
The energy or carbon content associated with domestic consumption of refined petroleum products for both energy and non-energy applications. This includes includes gasoline, diesel, kerosene, aviation fuel, fuel oil, and all the other petroleum fuels. Also included here is the energy content of propane, butane and other liquid petroleum gases, both from primary natural gas liquids and from petroleum refineries.
Energy (and its associated carbon) end uses account for about 80% of RPP consumption in Canada, and about 80% of that RPP energy consumption is comprised of gasoline and diesel fuel for road transportation applications, with aviation jet fuel accounting for an additional eight percent.
Domestic use of refined petroleum (oil) products
The energy or carbon content associated with domestic consumption of refined petroleum products for both energy and non-energy applications. This includes includes gasoline, diesel, kerosene, aviation fuel, fuel oil, and all the other petroleum fuels. Also included here is the energy content of propane, butane and other liquid petroleum gases, both from primary natural gas liquids and from petroleum refineries.
Energy (and its associated carbon) end uses account for about 80% of RPP consumption in Canada, and about 80% of that RPP energy consumption is comprised of gasoline and diesel fuel for road transportation applications, with aviation jet fuel accounting for an additional eight percent.
Petroleum fuels for the energy industry
Energy or carbon flow of refined petroleum products used in the production of uranium fuels, natural gas,and coal. The use of refined petroleum products in the production of refined petroleum products is included in the Energy Industry Use and Losses stream from the Petroleum Production node.
Petroleum fuels for personal transport
Energy or carbon flows in gasoline, diesel or jet fuels (i.e. refined petroleum products) used for personal transportation. While there is some regional variation, fuel for personal automobiles (cars, SUV’s, light trucks) accounts for about 80% of this total (in 2013), with most of the rest going to aviation fuel, and a small amount (less than three percent) to public transit and other modes.
Petroleum fuels for freight and commercial transport
Energy or carbon flows through fuel used for goods movement and other commercial transportation (especially diesel). Also included is the use of transportation fuel in off-road vehicles.
Diesel fuel for medium and large trucks accounts for 60% or more of this energy (Canada in 2013), with gasoline for light trucks and commercial automobiles comprising another 20%. The remaining 20% is split between fuel for marine, rail, and off road applications, plus a small share (about 2%) for air freight.
Residential petroleum use
Energy or carbon flows to light fuel oil or propane to space and water heating in the residential sector. The use of oil in the residential sector has been declining for decades and now represents about one percent of petroleum consumption in Canada and provides less than five percent of residential space and water heating on a national basis.
There are provincial variations, and oil is still used in remote regions and in regions where gas is not available or has only recently become available. In Atlantic Canada in 2013, heating oil provided about 20% of residential space heating and 40% of domestic hot water requirements. In contrast, there is very little oil heating west of Ontario. Oil is however, still the fuel of choice for over 50% of homes in the Northwest Territories.
Petroleum fuels for commercial and institutional buildings
Energy or carbon flows to refined petroleum products (mostly of fuel oil and propane) used in commercial and institutional buildings. By 2013, it represented less than one percent of domestic petroleum consumption on a national basis. Fuel oil is no longer widely used in Canadian commercial and institutional buildings; in 2013 it provided less than 2.5% of commercial building heating requirements on a national basis. Propane is used for heating and cooking in remote areas and there is now more propane than fuel oil used in the commercial sector.
There are provincial variations, and oil use is more prevalent east of Ontario where natural gas is not available or has only recently become available. In Atlantic Canada (2013), fuel oil and propane still provide about half the space and water heating requirements of commercial and institutional buildings, representing about a third of total fuel and electricity use in the sector.
Petroleum for energy in the industrial sector
Energy or carbon flows to refined petroleum products used in the industrial sector (not including the fuel and electricity industries themselves). The industrial sector accounts for about 10% of Canada’s domestic use of petroleum products.
Nationally, in 2013 petroleum products accounted for about 18% of industrial energy use in Canada, but there are large provincial variations. Petroleum’s share of industrial energy use is higher than average in oil producing Alberta and Saskatchewan, and also in regions where natural gas is not available or has only recently become available. In the Atlantic provinces, oil’s share of industrial energy consumption ranges from 18% in New Brunswick to 30% in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, and 60% in Prince Edward Island.
Non-energy uses of petroleum
Energy or carbon flows to Refined petroleum products that are used for non-energy applications -- petroleum asphalt, lubricants, greases, and feedstock for the petrochemical industry. Natural gas liquids used for petrochemical feedstock are also included here along with refinery gases. Petroleum refineries crack naphtha and refinery gases to yield ethylene and other hydrocarbons that are used by the petrochemical industry to produce a host of resins, plastics, synthetic rubber and other products. As such, the energy (and carbon) content of the petroleum and gas liquids remain sequestered in the final products, unless and until it is combusted as waste. There are large interprovincial differences among provinces in the magnitude of the demand for refined petroleum products in this demand sector
Oil and diesel for electricity generation
Energy or carbon flows to refined petroleum products -- principally light and heavy oil but also including diesel fuel -- used as inputs to electric power production. In 2013, the electric power sector represented about three percent of of domestic consumption of refined petroleum products nationally.
There is little or no oil used for power generation west of New Brunswick, except in northern Canada and remote, off-grid communities where diesel generators are still (2013) prevalent.
Non-energy tar and asphalt
This is the energy content of the asphalt and asphaltenes generated by the bitumen extraction industry in Alberta and which is not further upgraded or refined to produce crude oil. This asphalt is distinct from asphalt produced at petroleum refineries, which is included in the non-energy applications of refined petroleum products.
Tailings and petroleum coke
Energy or carbon flows to unused petroleum coke stockpiles and to bitumen in tailings ponds from oil sands operations
Petroleum industry energy use and conversion losses
Energy or carbon flows associated with the fuel and electricity consumed by the petroleum industry, including petroleum fuels, and including conversion and other losses that occur along the supply chain from primary crude and bitumen extraction to refined and delivered petroleum products. Included here is the energy consumption of petroleum refineries and oil pipelines.
There are some relatively small sources of fuel and electricity consumption in the petroleum industry for which we do not have the data to include here. The energy consumed by gas stations is part of the commercial and institutional building sector, and the fuel consumed in the truck and rail transport of crude oil and petroleum products is part of the freight transport sector.
In the 'domestic energy system only' Sankey, although the exports of petroleum are not included, the petroleum used in the extraction, upgrading, and delivery of the exports is included here.
Electricity from cogeneration in the petroleum industry
Energy associated with electricity produced by cogeneration in the petroleum extraction industry in Alberta, and then put on the public grid
Natural Gas
Energy or carbon in the natural gas that is produced in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, although there are small amounts produced in Ontario and New Brunswick. Note that natural gas liquids are not included here but are instead counted as part of Crude Oil.
In the “domestic energy system only” Sankeys, this is the total domestic natural gas consumption, including the use and losses of gas by the energy industry itself, and for most provinces implicitly includes imports and/or inflows from other provinces.
Natural Gas
Energy or carbon flow from the natural gas that is produced in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, although there are small amounts produced in Ontario and New Brunswick. Note that natural gas liquids are not included here but are instead counted as part of Crude Oil.
In the “domestic energy system only” Sankeys, this is the total domestic natural gas consumption, including the use and losses of gas by the energy industry itself, and for most provinces implicitly includes imports and/or inflows from other provinces.
Total natural gas
Energy or carbon associatated with the domestically produced and imported natural gas, including any gas vented or flared, plus the fuel and electricity used in the extraction, processing, and pipeline transport of the gas. It includes all the losses of natural gas that occur along the supply chain from extraction through cleaning and processing to pipeline delivery to final users.
In the “domestic energy system only” Sankeys, the total energy content of primary natural gas is adjusted (any gas exports are subtracted) so that supply balances domestic consumption.
Exports of natural gas
Energy or carbon embedded in exported natural gas.
For the provincial Sankeys, exports include outflows to other provinces, and these interprovincial flows result in the sum of natural gas exports from the provinces being greater than the national export of gas shown on the Canadian Sankey.
Domestic use of natural gas
Energy or carbon flows associated with the domestic use of natural gas for both energy and non-energy applications. The petroleum industry accounts for a large portion (about a third in 2013) of Canada’s domestic natural gas consumption, mainly in Alberta.
Where the distribution system is available, natural gas is the fuel of choice for non-transportation needs for heat in buildings and industry, and it is also used for power generation to varying degrees from province-to-province, depending on local circumstances.
Domestic use of natural gas
Energy or carbon associated with the domestic use of natural gas for both energy and non-energy applications. The petroleum industry accounts for a large portion (about a third in 2013) of Canada’s domestic natural gas consumption, mainly in Alberta. Where the distribution system is available, natural gas is the fuel of choice for non-transportation needs for heat in buildings and industry, and it is also used for power generation to varying degrees from province-to-province, depending on local circumstances.
Energy industry use of gas
Energy or carbon flows in the form of natural gas used by the other fuel production industries. Almost all of it is for the petroleum industry where it is used in the steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) operations for bitumen extraction, for heavy oil upgrading operations, and as a source of process heat.
Note that natural gas use by the natural gas industry itself is not included here but is part of the “Energy Industry Use and Losses” stream that flows from the natural gas production node.
In 2013, this stream represented a third of Canada’s domestic consumption of natural gas, with 90% of it occurring in the bitumen producing province of Alberta where it accounts for over half of natural gas consumption.
Natural gas for personal transport
Energy or carbon flows as natural gas for use in personal transport, both for private automobiles and public transit. It represents a tiny fraction of natural gas consumption and a tiny fraction of personal transportation energy use.
Residential use of natural gas
Energy or carbon flows as natural gas for space heating and water heating (also some for cooking) in the residential sector. It represents about 20% of domestic natural gas consumption when both non-energy demand and use of gas by the petroleum industry are included in the total. However, it is closer to 40% of domestic gas for energy end uses and nearly 50% of all residential energy use.
Residential natural gas use varies by region according to whether or for how long gas has been available, and what heating alternatives are available. There is very little residential gas use east of Ontario, but it is the primary residential heating fuel in the rest of southern Canada. Natural gas is not available in Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, the Territories, and throughout much of the hinterland of southern Canada.
Natural gas in commercial & institutional buildings
Energy or carbon flows as natural gas for commercial and institutional buildings, primarily for space heating. It represents over 25% of domestic gas for energy end uses and over half the energy use in the commercial and institutional sector.
Natural gas use in commercial and institutional buildings varies by region according to whether or for how long gas has been available. Gas shares of energy use in these buildings drops off east of Ontario, but not to the same extent as it does for residential buildings. The gas distribution network can be extended sooner and more economically to large and centrally located commercial and institutional buildings than to smaller and more dispersed residential buildings. As a result gas supplies a larger share of the commercial and institutional energy sector in Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia than is the case for the residential sector.
Natural gas is not available in Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, the Territories, and throughout much of the hinterland of southern Canada.
Industrial use of natural gas
Energy or carbon flows as natural gas by energy using, not energy producing industries. Most of the natural gas is consumed for industrial process heat and to provide hydrogen needed in fertilizer nitrogen production. Natural gas consumed by the energy industry itself is shown as part of the respective energy industry sectors.
Non-energy use of natural gas
Energy or carbon flows as natural gas used for non-energy applications such as petrochemical production. Note that natural gas liquids, which are a major component of petrochemical feedstock, are not included here, but in the petroleum (oil) energy stream.
Natural gas for electricity generation
Energy or carbon flows as natural gas burned in power stations, both by utilities and by industrial generators that feed the grid.
Gas has become a mainstay of the electricity sector in Alberta and accounts for over half the Canadian consumption of natural gas for power generation. Gas plays a secondary role in the Ontario electricity supply, but by virtue of the size of the grid, in 2013 Ontario accounted for 30% of power plant gas consumption in Canada.
Natural gas industry energy use and conversion losses
Energy or carbon flows from the fuel and electricity consumed by the natural gas industry. This includes its own consumption of natural gas, plus all the conversion and other losses that occur along the natural gas supply chain from extraction, cleaning and processing through to delivery to final users. The energy content of flared gas, pipeline and other leaks, and the gas used to power gas pipelines are all included here.
Note that in the 'domestic energy system only' Sankey diagrams, that even though fossil fuel exports are not included, the natural gas used to extract, upgrade and transport the fossil fuel exports to the border is included.
The energy or carbon in Coal production. Coal production is concentrated in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia.
In the “domestic energy system only” Sankeys, the primary coal supply for each province is the amount required to cover the domestic consumption of the province. As such, it implicitly includes imports for those provinces that do not produce more coal than they consume.
Energy or carbon flows though coal. Coal production is concentrated in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia.
In the “domestic energy system only” Sankeys, the primary coal supply for each province is the amount required to cover the domestic consumption of the province. As such, it implicitly includes imports for those provinces that do not produce more coal than they consume.
Coal and Coal Products Production
The energy or carbon in Coal that is domestically produced and imported, plus the fuel and electricity consumed in the mining and production of the coal and related products.
In the “domestic energy system only” Sankeys, the total energy content of primary coal is adjusted (coal exports are subtracted) so that supply balances domestic consumption.
Exports of coal
Energy or carbon flows to Coal exports. In Canada, most coal exports originate in British Columbia and Alberta. There is also a small amount of coke exported from Ontario.
For the provincial Sankeys, exports include outflows to other provinces, and these interprovincial flows result in the sum of coal exports from the provinces being greater than the national export of coal shown on the Canadian Sankey.
Domestic use of coal
The energy or carbon in the domestic use of all coal and coal products for energy and non-energy applications. Coal energy use in Canada is restricted to a few industries, to power generation in some provinces, and to the use of coke and coke oven gas in the primary steel industry.
Domestic use of coal
Energy or carbon flows associated with the domestic use of all coal and coal products for energy and non-energy applications. Coal energy use in Canada is restricted to a few industries, to power generation in some provinces, and to the use of coke and coke oven gas in the primary steel industry.
Coal and coal product energy use in industry
Energy or carbon flows associated with coal used for process heat by industry. Coal as an industrial energy source has declined to relatively low levels in Canada, but it is still used in cement production in some plants.
Non-energy use of coal and coal products
Energy or carbon flows associated with coal or coke that is ultimately embedded into non-energy products such as electrodes, or embedded in steel.
Coal for electricity generation
Energy or carbon flows through coal to be burned in thermal power plants. It accounted for over 80% of domestic coal consumption in Canada in 2013. There are large variations in the contribution of coal power to the provincial grids, and coal’s role in power generation has been declining in those provinces that do use it.
Alberta and Saskatchewan rely heavily on coal for power generation and together account for over 85% of the coal burned in power plants in Canada. Most of the rest is consumed in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Ontario has phased out the use of coal in power generation and in 2013, it accounted for only four percent of Canadian coal consumption in power plants in the province.
Coal industry energy use and conversion losses
Energy or carbon flows through fuel and electricity that were used in the production of coal and coal products. It includes the losses associated with the conversion of coal to coke and coke oven gas.
The energy or carbon in the wood, corn, canola, soybean, wheat and other forestry and agricultural feedstocks used for bio-based fuel and electricity production and use in Canada. Dry biomass energy content is assumed to be 18.3 GJ/tonne (higher heat value).
The Canadian pulp and paper industry uses over 25 million tonnes of wood each year for its own energy needs, and this has historically dominated Canadian biomass energy use. Fuelwood use in the residential sector varies regionally and accounts for another 5 million tonnes of wood energy. Agricultural feedstocks for biofuel production (ethanol and biodiesel) is still a relatively small component of primary biomass energy in Canada, but has grown to several million tonnes per year in recent years due to mandated ethanol content in automobile fuel.
Energy or carbon flows through wood, corn, canola, soybean, wheat and other foerestry and agricultural feedstocks used for bio-based fuel and electricity production and use in Canada. Dry biomass energy content is assumed to be 18.3 GJ/tonne (higher heat value).
The Canadian pulp and paper industry uses over 25 million tonnes of wood each year for its own energy needs, and this has historically dominated Canadian biomass energy use. Fuelwood use in the residential sector varies regionally and accounts for another 5 million tonnes of wood energy. Agricultural feedstock for biofuel production (ethanol and biodiesel) is still a relatively small component of primary biomass energy in Canada, but has grown to several million tonnes per year in recent years due to mandated ethanol content in automobile fuel.
Biomass and biofuels production
The energy or carbon in the rimary biomass produced and imported, plus the fuel and electricity consumed in the extraction and production of biofuels.
Domestic use of biomass and biofuels
The energy or carbon in the biofuels destined for domestic use in Canada. Of course, much greater quantities of biomass are used for non-energy applications (eg. lumber, paper products), but only the use of biomass for energy is represented in this Sankey. Included here is the energy content of all the wood energy used by the pulp and paper industry, the fuelwood used in residential applications, biomass used for power generation, and biofuels (mainly ethanol and biodiesel).
Domestic use of biomass and biofuels
Energy or carbon flows through the biofuels destined for domestic use in Canada. Of course, much greater quantities of biomass are used for non-energy applications (eg. lumber, paper products), but only the use of biomass for energy is represented in this Sankey. Included here is the energy content of all the wood energy used by the pulp and paper industry, the fuelwood used in residential applications, biomass used for power generation, and biofuels (mainly ethanol and biodiesel).
Biofuels for freight transport
Energy or carbon flows associated with biodiesel and other biofuels used in trucks and other vehicles for freight transport and commercial transportation, including in fuel blends.
Biofuels for personal transport
Energy or carbon flows associated biofuel, primarily ethanol, used in personal automobiles and other personal transportation modes, and includes bioethanol that is blended with gasoline.
Residential biomass energy
Energy or carbon flows associated with wood used for home space heating. The use of fuelwood for heating is most common in rural areas and smaller communities and varies from province to province.
Industrial biomass energy
Energy or carbon flows associated with Biomass used by industry, particularly the pulp and paper industry. The combustion of wood and spent pulping liquors in the pulp and paper industry constitutes, by far , the predominant use of bioenergy in Canada.
Biomass for electricity generation
Energy or carbon flows associated with wood-fired power generation accounts for a small share of biomass energy use in Canada, and is currently only in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia.
Energy use and losses in the biomass energy industry
Energy and carbon fliows associated with the primary biomass used for energy, including the fuel and electricity consumed by the biomass and biofuels industry, plus the energy content of the biomass losses that occur in the conversion of biomass feedstock to biofuels such as ethanol.
The hydroelectricity represented here is the total amount of electricity generated by hydroelectric stations. The potential energy of the falling water entering the hydro turbines is actually somewhat more than this amount – hydroelectric generating stations are very efficient, but not 100% efficient. The actual efficiency of hydroelectric generating stations in Canada is in the range of 90% and higher, but our energy statistical databases do not generally report on the total primary energy entering the stations, only on the total electricity generated, and that is what is shown here as “primary hydroelectricity”.
The share of total electricity generated by hydropower varies over a wide range in Canada, as the provincial Sankeys illustrate. While small and medium sized hydro generators can be found throughout Canada, nearly 99% of the nation’s hydroelectricity comes from large hydroelectric stations (greater than 50 MW, usually much greater), and typically associated with large man-made reservoirs and river diversions.
The Canadian electricity supply was founded on the hydropower of Niagara Falls and grew throughout the twentieth century as hydro dams were built on some of the nation’s largest rivers. While there is still a large amount of undeveloped hydropower in Canada – about twice as much as has already been developed – growth of this source of electricity generation has slowed down in recent decades for a number of reasons, including high capital costs, Aboriginal land claims disputes, competing values and uses for the riversheds, and concerns over the ecological costs of habitat and watershed disruption.
The hydroelectricity represented here is the total amount of electricity generated by hydroelectric stations. The potential energy of the falling water entering the hydro turbines is actually somewhat more than this amount – hydroelectric generating stations are very efficient, but not 100% efficient. The actual efficiency of hydroelectric generating stations in Canada is in the range of 90% and higher, but our energy statistical databases do not generally report on the total primary energy entering the stations, only on the total electricity generated, and that is what is shown here as “primary hydroelectricity”.
The share of total electricity generated by hydropower varies over a wide range in Canada, as the provincial Sankeys illustrate. While small and medium sized hydro generators can be found throughout Canada, nearly 99% of the nation’s hydroelectricity comes from large hydroelectric stations (greater than 50 MW, usually much greater), and typically associated with large man-made reservoirs and river diversions.
The Canadian electricity supply was founded on the hydropower of Niagara Falls and grew throughout the twentieth century as hydro dams were built on some of the nation’s largest rivers. While there is still a large amount of undeveloped hydropower in Canada – about twice as much as has already been developed – growth of this source of electricity generation has slowed down in recent decades for a number of reasons, including high capital costs, Aboriginal land claims disputes, competing values and uses for the riversheds, and concerns over the ecological costs of habitat and watershed disruption.
Wind & Solar
The energy represented here is the total amount of electricity generated and fed to the grid by wind and solar photovoltaic generators, the same convention used for hydroelectricity. Wind machines and solar panels are not 100% efficient, but the input solar and wind energy is not measured. While it could be inferred from the efficiency of the wind and solar generators, there is not yet a standardized and widely accepted convention for estimating such efficiencies, and in any event the data is not currently being collected that would be needed to know the efficiencies of the solar and wind systems in Canada. Solar and wind electricity generated off-grid or “behind the meter” is not included in this total.
There is an enormous resource of wind and solar energy over Canada, and harnessed supply while still small has been growing rapidly in response to the quest for a low carbon energy system. The rate at which these sources will continue to grow will not be limited by resource constraints but by the evolution of the emerging smart grid and its capacity for integration of non-dispatchable and often distributed generation resources.
Wind & Solar
The energy represented here is the total amount of electricity generated and fed to the grid by wind and solar photovoltaic generators, the same convention used for hydroelectricity. Wind machines and solar panels are not 100% efficient, but the input solar and wind energy is not measured. While it could be inferred from the efficiency of the wind and solar generators, there is not yet a standardized and widely accepted convention for estimating such efficiencies, and in any event the data is not currently being collected that would be needed to know the efficiencies of the solar and wind systems in Canada. Solar and wind electricity generated off-grid or “behind the meter” is not included in this total.
There is an enormous resource of wind and solar energy over Canada, and harnessed supply while still small has been growing rapidly in response to the quest for a low carbon energy system. The rate at which these sources will continue to grow will not be limited by resource constraints but by the evolution of the emerging smart grid and its capacity for integration of non-dispatchable and often distributed generation resources.
Imported electricity
Imports of electricity to Canada are generally associated with short term trades and power wheeling arrangements with neighbouring U.S. utilities. Canada is a net exporter of electricity, reflecting the long term power supply contracts some Canadian utilities have with American customers.
For the provincial Sankeys, electricity imports include inflows from other provinces, and these interprovincial flows result in the sum of electricity imports for the provinces being greater than the total electricity imports shown on the national Sankey.
The province with the largest electricity import is Quebec, and this reflects its longstanding contract to purchase the output of the Churchill Falls hydroelectric station in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Prince Edward Island has limited domestic electricity generation and imports most of its electricity via a submarine cable connecting to the New Brunswick power grid.
Alberta imports electricity from Montana and B.C. via the Western Electricity Coordinating Council, and also via an intertie with Saskatchewan.
Imported electricity
Imports of electricity to Canada are generally associated with short term trades and power wheeling arrangements with neighbouring U.S. utilities. Canada is a net exporter of electricity, reflecting the long term power supply contracts some Canadian utilities have with American customers.
For the provincial Sankeys, electricity imports include inflows from other provinces, and these interprovincial flows result in the sum of electricity imports for the provinces being greater than the total electricity imports shown on the national Sankey.
The province with the largest electricity import is Quebec, and this reflects its longstanding contract to purchase the output of the Churchill Falls hydroelectric station in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Prince Edward Island has limited domestic electricity generation and imports most of its electricity via a submarine cable connecting to the New Brunswick power grid.
Alberta imports electricity from Montana and B.C. via the Western Electricity Coordinating Council, and also via an intertie with Saskatchewan.
Fuel and electricity for the fuel producers
This portal contains the refined petroleum products, natural gas and electricity for use by the fuels industry itself. This energy is re-entering the diagram at this portal, matching the amounts that exited the identically labelled portal on the right side of the Sankey. The energy is distributed to the uranium, oil, gas, coal and biofuel production industries and ultimately becomes part of the Energy Industry Use and Losses stream at the bottom right corner of the Sankey.
This portal contains the refined petroleum products, natural gas and electricity needed by the fuel industries.
Fuel and electricity consumption by the fuel industries is most pronounced in Alberta and Saskatchewan, where the petroleum extraction and production industry makes intensive use of natural gas.
Note that the fuel and electricity required by the fuel industries is for the production of fuels for both domestic and export markets. The quantity therefore remains the same in the “domestic energy system only” Sankeys as in the “all energy flows” version, and includes the fuel and electricity used domestically to produce fuels for export.
Petroleum used for nuclear fuel production
Refined petroleum products used by the uranium mining and refining industry.
Petroleum used for natural gas production
Refined petroleum products used by in the production and delivery of natural gas.
Petroleum used for coal production
Refined petroleum products used in the coal mining industry.
Natural gas for nuclear fuels production
Natural gas consumption by the uranium mining and refining industry.
Natural gas for RPP production
Natural gas used in the extraction, upgrading and refining of petroleum, including for the gas-intensive SAGD (steam assisted gravity drainage) bitumen extraction operations, for upgrading operations, and in the production of synthetic crude.
Note that in the 'domestic energy system only' Sankey, even though the exports of fossil fuels are not included, the energy shown here still includes the gas used in the extraction, upgrading and delivery of those exports.
Natural gas for coal products production
Natural gas consumed by the coal mining industry.
Natural gas for biofuels production
Natural gas consumed in the extraction of biomass and production of biofuels.
Electricity for nuclear fuel production
Electricity consumption of the uranium mining and refining industry.
Electricity for RPP production
Electricity consumption of the petroleum extraction, upgrading and refinery industry, plus electricity consumed by oil pipelines.
Electricity for natural gas production
Electricity consumed in the production and delivery of natural gas, including for pipelines. (Natural gas used to power gas pipelines is included in the “energy industry use and conversion losses stream of the natural gas industry.”
Electricity for coal products production
Electricity consumed by the coal mining industry.
Electricity for biofuels production
Electricity consumed in the production of biofuels.
Total inputs to electricity generation
All primary energy inputs to grid electricity generation by utilities and industry -- uranium, petroleum, natural gas, coal, biomass, hydroelectricity, wind, and solar -- as well as imported electricity and electricity cogenerated in the petroleum extraction industry.
Electricity exports
A certain amount of back-and-forth trade, or “wheeling,” in electricity takes place between Canadian and U.S. utilities to maintain a reliable and balanced supply of electricity in both countries from day-to-day and season-to-season. Beyond this cross-border, bidirectional “wheeling” of electric power, exports of electricity from Canada to the U.S. have been growing in recent years and are poised for further growth in the years ahead. Historically, Quebec has accounted for most of the large medium- and long-term contracted exports of electricity to the United States, but exports from Ontario and Manitoba to the U.S. have been growing and now account for about half of Canada’s net electricity exports to the U.S. Electricity export revenue is significant to three provinces that account for most of the electricity exports-- Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba -- and it may play a larger role in the years ahead as the global energy transition proceeds and the value of low-carbon electricity (of which Canada has an abundance) increases.
For the provincial Sankeys, exports include outflows to other provinces, and these interprovincial flows result in the sum of electricity exports from the provinces being greater than the national export of electricity shown on the Canadian Sankey.
Domestic electricity use
This is all domestic electricity use, including the electricity use of the petroleum, natural gas and other fuel producing industries. Electricity’s share of total energy end use varies by province and tends to be highest in provinces with a predominantly hydroelectric supply or with limited alternative options for providing space heat.
Domestic electricity use
This is all domestic electricity use, including the electricity use of the petroleum, natural gas and other fuel producing industries. Electricity’s share of total energy end use varies by province and tends to be highest in provinces with a predominantly hydroelectric supply or with limited alternative options for providing space heat.
Electricity for the fuel producers
Electricity used by the uranium, petroleum, natural gas, coal and biomass fuel industries. It does not include electricity used by the electricity industry itself, which is counted as part of the “Energy Industry Use and Losses” flow from the Electricity Generation node.
Electricity for personal transport
Grid electricity use for cars and public transit and represents a very small portion of domestic electricity consumption.
Electricity for freight transport
Grid electricity used by electric trucks and any other electric commercial or off-road vehicles. It represents a very small share of domestic electricity consumption.
Residential electricity use
On a national basis, the residential sector accounts for 36% of domestic use of electricity (2016), not counting the energy use of the energy industry itself, with the residential share of total electricity use varying from 25% to 40% in the provinces.
Electricity is used in all households for lighting, appliances and air conditioning. These “electricity specific” end uses comprise 18% of total residential energy demand and make up 39% of residential electricity use on a national basis (n 2013). Electricity is also used to varying degrees to provide residential and space and water heating, and as a result electricity’s share of total residential energy use varies from a low of 18% in Alberta, where it is generally used only for “electricity specific” end uses, to 44% in B.C., 50% in Manitoba and 70% in Quebec, hydro-rich provinces in which electricity is widely used for residential space and water heating.
Electricity in commercial & institutional buildings
On a national basis, commercial & institutional buildings account for 22% of domestic use of electricity (2016), not counting the energy use of the energy industry itself, with the commercial sector`s share of electricity use varying by province according to the size of the service and government sectors relative to the rest of the economy.
Lighting, motors, equipment and air conditioning represent about 37% of commercial building energy needs on average, all of which must be supplied with electricity. Unlike the residential sector, except for its role in powering HVAC pumps and motors, electricity is not widely used for space and water heating in commercial and institutional buildings, so its share of total sector energy use is only slightly higher than the electricity-specific load.
Industrial electricity use
The industrial sector, including agriculture and construction, but not including the fuel and electricity industries, accounts for 41% of domestic end use of electricity (in 2016), on a national basis. The industrial sector is electricity`s largest domestic market in most provinces and in Canada as a whole and provides about 30% of all industrial energy use, excluding the energy industry itself.
Energy use and losses in the electricity industry
Sum of all the conversion losses and electricity consumption and transmission and distribution losses in the electricity system.
Efficiencies of thermal power plants range from 29% for nuclear, 26-36% for coal, and 40-60% for natural gas, depending on the technology. The low temperature waste heat from these generators comprises most of the power industry’s losses. Transmission and distributions losses on Canadian grids are less than 10%, and power plants’ own use of electricity represents another contributor to this stream.
Note that while electricity exports are not included in the “domestic energy system only” Sankey, the power plant inputs used to make electricity for export are included in this stream. This is why this stream is larger for the Domestic Only Sankey than for the Total Energy Sankey for Canada and all provinces that export electricity.
For the Carbon Sankey, the carbon dioxide emissions associated with this energy use are measured as carbon.
Industrial use of heat from power generation
Waste heat from cogeneration that takes place in the industrial sector, so this energy is redirected to the industrial end use sector. there is also a relatively small amount of heat included here that is generated by electric utilities and sold across the fence to industrial users.
Fuel and Electricity Exports
All fuel and electricity exports, including uranium, bitumen, crude oil, refined petroleum products, natural gas, coal and coal products, and electricity.
For the provincial Sankeys, exports include outflows to other provinces, and these interprovincial flows result in the sum of exports from the provinces being greater than the national export total shown on the Canadian Sankey.
Fuel and electricity consumption for personal transport
Energy use for personal transport is 97% provided by petroleum fuels (gasoline, diesel and aviation turbo) with the balance provided by ethanol and electricity and on average accounts for 19% of energy end use in Canada.
Personal automobiles – mostly cars and SUV’s – comprise nearly 80% of personal transportation energy use in Canada, mass transit about three percent, and air travel most of the remainder. Other modes such as intercity rail, bus, and marine constitute less than one percent of energy consumed for personal mobility.
Useful energy for personal transport
An estimated 25% of the energy content of the fuel and electricity consumed for personal mobility translates into forward motion of the vehicles and their passengers.
This is a conservative (i.e. high) estimate of the efficiency with which personal mobility is provided as it based on the energy required to move both the passengers and the vehicles and not just the passengers, and it does not take into account the possibilities for substituting information and communication for personal mobility (eg. telecommuting, online shopping, etc.).
End use losses in personal transport energy
The end use losses are the difference between the fuel and electricity consumption of the sector and the estimated useful energy delivered, and represent 75% of the fuel and electricity consumed for personal mobility.
Fuel and electricity consumption for freight transport
Energy use for commercial transportation and goods movement comprises 17% of total energy end use in Canada and is 98% provided by petroleum fuels (gasoline, diesel, aviation turbo) with a small contribution from the ethanol that is blended with gasoline in some modes of commercial transportation. The term “commercial transportation” refers here to the delivery of services by the business and commercial sector. Off-road vehicles and equipment are also included in this sector and account for 9% of the sector’s total energy consumption.
Various modes of road transportation account for over 80% of the fuel consumed for goods movement and commercial transportation (i.e. not including the off-road energy use in the total). Heavy, long haul truck, diesel powered transports comprise over 40% of freight and commercial transport energy, and cars, light and medium trucks account for another 40%. Most of the balance is split between rail (8%) and marine (7%), with a small share for air freight (about two percent of commercial and goods movement energy use).
Useful energy for freight transport
An estimated 25% of the energy content of the fuel and electricity consumed for goods movement and commercial transportation translates into forward motion of the vehicles and their cargo.
End use losses in freight transport energy
The end use losses are the difference between the fuel and electricity consumption of the sector and the estimated useful energy delivered, and represent 75% of the fuel consumed for goods movement and commercial transportation.
Fuel and electricity use in residential buildings
Fuel and electricity consumption in the residential sector comprises 20% of total energy end use in Canada, but there are some provincial variations in the share depending on climate, housing mix, and the relative importance of other energy consuming activities in the provincial economy.
Natural gas and electricity provide the lion’s share of this energy, about 47% and 39% (in 2016), respectively, with the 14% balance divided about evenly between petroleum fuels (oil, propane) and fuelwood. Again, there are regional variations depending on the relative price and availability of the alternative heating fuels.
Two thirds of Canadian households occupy single family housing (56% in detached dwellings and 11% in single attached housing), but these households account for 80% of residential fuel and electricity consumption. The one third of Canadian households occupying apartments (or mobile homes) use 20% of residential fuel and electricity consumption.
Over 80% of the fuel and electricity consumption consumed by this housing stock (in 2016) is for the provision of space heat (65%) and water heat (16%), with the remaining 19% comprised of the “electricity specific” end uses of lighting, air conditioning and appliances.
Useful energy in residential buildings
The efficiencies with which energy end uses are provided in the residential sector averaged over all dwelling types, fuels and energy technologies are assumed to be 81% for space heating, 53% for water heating, 100% for air conditioning, 90% for electrical appliances, and three percent for lighting.
The overall weighted average efficiency for the provision of useful energy in the residential sector is 75%.
The end use losses are the difference between the fuel and electricity consumption of the sector and the estimated useful energy delivered, and represent 25% of the fuel and electricity consumption in the residential sector.
Residential energy end use losses
The end use losses are the difference between the fuel and electricity consumption of the sector and the estimated useful energy delivered, and represent 25% of the fuel and electricity consumption in the residential sector.
Fuel & electricity consumption in commercial & institutional buildings
Fuel and electricity consumption in commercial and institutional buildings comprises 13% of total energy end use in Canada, but there are some provincial variations in the share depending on climate, mix of building types, and the relative importance of the service sector in the provincial economy. Natural gas and electricity provide 54% and 38% of fuel and electricity in this sector, with petroleum fuels (heating oil and propane) making up the balance. There are regional variations depending on the relative price and availability of alternative heating fuels.
There are about 750 million square metres of commercial and institutional building floor area in Canada, including offices, schools and universities, hospitals and health care facilities, hotels and restaurants, warehouses, recreational and cultural establishments, and assorted other building types. Streetlighting, water supply and sewage treatment services are also included here.
In terms of floor area, the largest subsectors are offices (46%), retail (16%) and educational buildings (13%). The most energy intensive buildings are hospitals and hotels, while offices, warehouses and schools have relatively low energy requirements per square metre of floor area. The office building subsector has the largest aggregate fuel and electricity consumption (35% of the sector total), followed by retail (17%), education (13%) and health care (11%).
Space heating accounts for 56% of fuel and electricity consumption in commercial and institutional buildings, followed by auxiliary equipment and “plug load” (14%), lighting (13%), water heating (8%), motors (7%), and cooling (3%).
Useful energy for commercial & institutional buildings
The efficiencies with which energy end uses are provided in commercial and institutional buildings averaged over all building types, fuels and energy technologies are assumed to be 75% for space and water heating, 100% for cooling, 90% for auxiliary equipment and plug load, 98% for motors and 12% for lighting.
The overall weighted average efficiency for the provision of useful energy in the residential sector is 71%.
End use losses in commercial & institutional building energy
The end use losses are the difference between the fuel and electricity consumption of the sector and the estimated useful energy delivered, and represent 29% of fuel and electricity consumption in commercial and institutional buildings.
Fuel and electricity consumption in industry
Fuel and electricity consumption by the industrial sector comprises 31% of total energy end use in Canada (2016), but varies provincially between 20% and 40% depending on the level and pattern of industrial activity in the provincial economy. The industrial sector defined here does not include the electric power industry or the fuel supply industries (oil, gas, coal, biomass) but does include construction and agriculture. Natural gas and electricity each provide about 30% of industrial energy consumption, followed by biomass (20%), refined petroleum products (18%) and coal (2%).
The energy intensity of industrial activity (fuel and electricity consumption per dollar of value added) varies by more than a factor of ten, with the most intensive being the primary processing industries. Agriculture, metal mining, smelting and refining, aluminum and steel making, pulp and paper, and industrial chemicals together comprise more than 75% of industrial fuel and electricity consumption on a national basis.
Two thirds of industrial fuel and electricity consumption is for the provision of heat for processes, space conditioning and water, with the balance comprised of motive power, lighting and various electrochemical end uses, although these shares vary provincially depending on the mix of industries in the provincial economy.
Useful energy in industry
The efficiencies with which energy end uses are provided in the industrial sector, averaged over all industries and energy technologies, are assumed to be 80% for motive power, 54% for medium temperature process heat, 41% for high temperature process heat, 3% for lighting, 51% for electric arcing, 98% for electrolysis processes, 68% for water heating and 64% for space conditioning.
The overall weighted average efficiency for the provision of useful energy in the industrial sector is 55%.
End use losses in industrial energy
The end use losses are the difference between the fuel and electricity consumption of the sector and the estimated useful energy delivered, and represent 45% of fuel and electricity consumption in the industrial sector.
Non-Energy uses of energy products
Total of the various streams of energy products used for non-energy purposes, including feedstock for the petrochemical and fertilizer industries, reductant for the primary steel industry, and asphalt, lubricants, greases and other non-energy petroleum products.
Stored Energy
This is energy content of stockpiled petroleum coke and residual petroleum in the oil sands tailings ponds.
Total useful energy
After end use losses, the useful energy delivered summed over all sectors is comprised of 43% low temperature heat, 19% process heat, 16% electricity specific uses, 10% personal mobility, 9% goods and services delivery, two percent for cooling, and less than one percent for lighting.
The efficiency of end use provision averaged over all sectors and end uses is 50%.
Total end use losses
Total aggregation of the estimated losses that occur at the point of end use when fuels and electricity are consumed. When summed with the energy use and conversion losses of the energy industry itself, the result is the total losses of the entire system, from primary extraction to final end use, and can be compared with total useful energy to estimate the overall efficiency of the energy system.
Energy Use and Conversion Losses in the Energy Industry
This is the the aggregated fuel and electricity consumption and conversion losses of the fuel and electricity industry itself. This is essentially the energy that the energy system requires to extract, convert, refine, and deliver fuel and electricity to domestic end users and export customers. It includes the consumption and conversion losses at oil and gas production facilities and thermal power plants, the fuel and electricity consumption of pipelines and oil refineries, and the transmission and distribution losses of electric grids.
Note that in the ”domestic energy system only version” of the Sankey, the energy use and losses of the energy industry still includes the use and losses associated with the production of oil and gas and electricity for both domestic consumption and export.
Total Losses
Fuel and electricity use and conversion losses that occur in the energy industry itself (including energy use associated with production for export markets), plus the estimated losses that occur at the point of end use of domestic fuels and electricity.
Fuel and Electricity for the Fuel Producers
This portal contains the refined petroleum products, natural gas and electricity needed by the fuel industries. This energy re-enters the diagram on the left side through an identically labelled portal.
Fuel and electricity consumption by the fuel industries is most pronounced in Alberta and Saskatchewan, where the petroleum extraction and production industry makes intensive use of natural gas.
Note that the fuel and electricity required by the fuel industries is for the production of fuels for both domestic and export markets. The quantity therefore remains the same in the “domestic energy system only” Sankeys as in the “all energy flows” version, and includes the fuel and electricity used domestically to produce fuels for export.
Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide Emissions
An aggregation of all the carbon emitted in the form of carbon dioxide (measured as carbon) from fossil fuel combustion, plus a relatively small amount of carbon from CO2 venting in the fossil fuel production industry.
Bioenergy Carbon Dioxide Emissions
An aggregation of all the carbon emitted in the form of carbon dioxide (measured as carbon) from bioenergy combustion by end users, fuel producers and electricity generators. These emissions are biogenic and are therefore do not toward total anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions inventory.
Methane Emissions
An aggregation of all the carbon emitted as methane, shown as the equivalent carbon emitted as carbon dioxide. Methane has a global warming potential of 25 and the molecular weight of methane is 0.36 the molecular weight of carbon dioxide, so a conversion factor of 9.09 is used to convert carbon as methane to the equivalent carbon as carbon dioxide. This is why the size of this node is 9.09 times larger than the aggregate flow of carbon as methane flowing into it.
Total Carbon Emissions (as CO2e)
This is the sum of the carbon emitted as carbon dioxide or, in the case of the methane emissions, carbon dioxide equivalents.
Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide Emissions
An aggregation of all the carbon emitted as carbon dioxide (measured as carbon) from fossil fuel combustion, plus a relatively small amount of carbon from CO2 venting in the fossil fuel production industry.
Methane Emissions
An aggregation of all the carbon emitted as methane, shown as the equivalent carbon emitted as carbon dioxide. Methane has a global warming potential of 25 and the molecular weight of methane is 0.36 the molecular weight of carbon dioxide, so a conversion factor of 9.09 is used to convert carbon as methane to the equivalent carbon as carbon dioxide.
Residential Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions
Carbon emitted as carbon dioxide, (measured as carbon), from the residential combustion (for space and water heating and some cooking) of fossil fuels. Most of this carbon is from natural gas combustion, but there are contributions from fuel oil and propane as well.
Residential Biomass Energy Emissions
Carbon emitted as carbon dioxide, (measured as carbon), from residential bioenergy combustion, primarily from wood burning stoves and furnaces. This is considered biogenic carbon dioxide and therefore does not count toward Canada's anthropogenic greenhouse gas inventory.
Commercial Building Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions
Carbon emitted as carbon dioxide, (measured as carbon), from the combustion of natural gas and other fossil fuels in commercial and institutional buildings.
Commercial Sector Biomass Energy Emissions
Carbon emitted as carbon dioxide, (measured as carbon), from the combustion of biofuels in commercial buildings. This is considered biogenic carbon dioxide and therefore does not count toward Canada's anthropogenic greenhouse gas inventory.
Personal Transportation Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions
Tailpipe emissions of carbon as carbon dioxide, (measured as carbon), from the combustion of gasoline, diesel, and other fossil fuels in automobiles and other modes of personal transportation powered by fossil fuels.
Personal Transportation Bioenergy CO2 Emissions
Carbon emitted as carbon dioxide, (measured as carbon), from the combustion of ethanol and other biofuels in automobiles and other modes of personal transportation. This is considered biogenic carbon dioxide and therefore does not count toward Canada's anthropogenic greenhouse gas inventory.
Freight Transportation Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions
Tailpipe emissions of carbon in the form of carbon dioxide, (measured as carbon), from the combustion of diesel fuel, gasoline and other fossil fuels in trucks and other modes of transport used to provide freight and commercial transportation.
Freight Transportation Bioenergy CO2 Emissions
Carbon emitted as carbon dioxide, (measured as carbon), from the combustion of biodiesel, ethanol and other biofuels in trucks and other modes of freight and commercial transportation. This is considered biogenic carbon dioxide and therefore does not count toward Canada's anthropogenic greenhouse gas inventory.
Industry Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions
Carbon emitted as carbon dioxide, (measured as carbon), from the combustion by industry of natural gas, petroleum products and coal. This includes boilers, furnaces and kilns for all industries except the fossil fuel and electric power industries, which are tracked separately in this diagram.
Industry Bioenergy CO2 Emissions
Carbon emitted as carbon dioxide from the combustion biofuels by industry, (measured as carbon). This flow is dominated by the use of wood fuel in the pulp and paper industry. This is considered biogenic carbon dioxide and therefore does not count toward Canada's anthropogenic greenhouse gas inventory.
Industrial Process Emissions of CO2
Carbon emitted as non-biogenic carbon dioxide, (measured as carbon), from non-combustion industrial processes such as cement making, iron and steel, aluminum, and magnesium smelting and refining.
Industrial Process Emissions of Methane
Carbon emitted as methane from non-combustion industrial processes, (measured as carbon), not including methane emissions from the fossil fuel industry, which are tracked separately in this diagram.
From electricity generation to CO2 carbon
Emissions from Biofueled Electricity Generation
Carbon emitted as carbon dioxide, (measured as carbon), from the combustion of biofuels, primarily wood, for the generation of electricity. This is considered biogenic carbon dioxide and therefore does not count toward Canada's anthropogenic greenhouse gas inventory.
Methane Venting in the Petroleum Production Industry
Carbon emitted as methane from venting in the petroleum production industry, measured as carbon.
Methane Venting in the Natural Gas Industry
Carbon emitted as methane from venting in the natural gas industry, measured as carbon.
Methane Venting in the Coal Products Industry
Carbon emitted as methane from venting in the coal mining and coal products industry, measured as carbon.
Petroleum fuel combustion to fossil CO2 carbon
Carbon dioxide venting in petroleum production
Carbon emitted as carbon dioxide, (measured as carbon), from direct venting in the petroleum industry.
Methane Flaring in the Petroleum Industry
Carbon emitted as carbon dioxide (measured as carbon), from the flaring of methane in the oil and gas production industry.
Natural gas to fossil CO2 carbon
Coal products to fossil CO2 carbon
Nuclear fuel to fossil CO2 carbon
Biofuels to fossil CO2 carbon

All Energy Flows (GJ/cap, Cdn, 2013)
Natural gas
End-use energy
Crude Oil and petroleum products
Bioenergy and renewable electricity
Energy Industry Use & Losses
Primary energy
Imports and exports
Extraction & conversion technologies
Fuel & electricity for energy industry

Data source: CanESS v7.
Sankey diagram built with D3’s Sankey plugin.
WBrooke replied on Permalink
Is N2O included?
Is N2O included
any updates to this sand key diagram?
Updating Canada's Energy System Sankey Diagrams
Nicholas Heap replied on Permalink
conversion efficiency of electricity to useful energy by sector